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Tourist Information

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Ake su otvaracie hodiny muzea?
What are the museum opening hours?
Kolko stoji listok na vlak jednosmerny?
How much is one-way train ticket?
Kedy odchadza vlak do Bristolu?
When does the train to Bristol leave?
Kino je oproti poste.
The cinema is opposite the post office.
Je to prilis drahe.
It is too expensive.
Kolko stoji dvojpostelova izba na dve noci?
How much is a double room for two nights?
Prepacte,mate volne izby?
Excuse me, do you have any rooms available?
Studenti maju vstup zdarma, iba predlozte studentsky preukaz.
Free entrance for students just submit the student card.
Chodte rovno a potom zabocte na Nice ulicu.
Go straight and then turn to Nice Street.
Mozem zmenit eura na vasu menu?
Can I exchange euros into your currency?
Ako sa dostanem do informacneho centra?
How can I get to the information office?
Kolko stoji vstupne?
How much is the entrance ticket?