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This game is rubbish!

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Which European country is the world leader at recycling? They recycle 68% of municipal solid waste.
Germany of course....wunderbar!
Name 4 synonyms of rubbish...
waste material, refuse, litter, debris, garbage, trash, scrap, dross, flotsam and jetsam, lumber, detritus, dregs, muck, junk, sweepings (there are more)
What does this logo mean?
An idiomatic expression in English meaning "an avoidable error in which something good is eliminated when trying to get rid of something bad" - Don't throw the a) sponge b) baby c) duck d) soap out with the bath water.
What is it? How do you spell it?
a wrapper
What is it? How do you spell it? two words the first the material, the second the container type.
a polystyrene tray
What is it?
sell by date
What is it?
a carton
What is it?
a waste paper basket
You should not ________ pork in a microwave. It could make you ill if you cook it twice.
What is it?
a cardboard box
The process for moving your rubbish from your house to the dustbins is called?
take out (the rubbish)
Who is it?
a dustman
The instructions say that I should ________ this Nurofen Gel 3 times a day for my bad back. two possible answers
reapply/rub in
What is it?
a lid
Every Thursday in my street the rubbish collectors come and _____ ______ my rubbish.
take away
What is it?
A tub
What is it?
A landfill site
If you don't want something you own anymore you might do this, to a charity maybe? phrasal verb
give (it) away
What is it?
A tin