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Adverbs of Frequency

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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讞讬讬诇讬诐 转诪讬讚 诇讜讘砖讬诐 诪讚讬诐
soldiers always wear uniform
住讘讗 砖诇讬 拽讜谞讛 诇讬 诪转谞讜转 诇注讬转讬诐 拽专讜讘讜转
my grandpa often buys me presents
讛讜讗 谞讜讛讙 诪讛专 诪讚讬 诪讚讬 驻注诐
he occisonally drives too fast
讛讬讗 注讜谞讚转 注讙讬诇讬诐 讘讗驻讜谉 转讚讬专
she often wears earings
讛讜讗 讻诪注讟 讗祝 驻注诐 诇讗 诇讜拽讞 诪讟专讬讛
he rarly takes an umbrella
讛讬讗 转诪讬讚 诇讜讘砖转 砖诪诇讜转
she always wears dresses
讛讜讗 讗祝 驻注诐 诇讗 诪讘拽砖 住诇讬讞讛
he never asks forgivness
讛讗诐 讛诪讜专讛 砖诇讱 诪讚讘专 专讜住讬转 诇注讬转讬诐 专讞讜拽讜转
Does your teacher rarely speak Russian?
讛讗诐 讛讞讘专讬诐 砖诇讱 诇驻注诪讬诐 诪砖讞拽讬诐 讟谞讬住 讘讬诪讬 砖谞讬
Do your friends sometimes play tennis on Monday?
讛讗诐 讛讜讗 转诪讬讚 讬讜砖谉 7 砖注讜转 讘诇讬诇讛 ?
Does he always sleep seven hours a night?
讛讗诐 讙谞讬 讘讚专讻 砖讜转讛 拽驻讛 讘讘讜拽专? - 讻谉
Does Jenny usually drink coffee in the morning?Yes, she does.
诇注讬转讬诐 专讞讜拽讜转 讗谞讬 讗讜讻诇 讘讬爪转 注讬谉 讘讘讜拽专
I rarly eat a fried egg in the morning.
讗谞讞谞讜 讗祝 驻注诐 诇讗 谞驻讙砖讬诐 讘讬诪讬 讞诪讬砖讬
we never neet on thursadys
讗讞 砖诇讱 转诪讬讚 注讜砖讛 砖.讘 讗讞专讬 讘讬
your brother always does H/W after schhol.
诪讚讬 驻注诐 讗谞讬 专讜讗讛 讗讜转讜 讘诪讜注讚讜谉
i occasionally see him in the club
讛诐 诇驻注诪讬诐 砖专讬诐 拽专讬讜拽讬 讘讬讞讚
They sometimes sing karaoke together.
讛讬讗 讻诪注讟 讗祝 驻注诐 诇讗 讛讜诇讻转 讘诇讬诇讛 讘专讙诇 诇讘讚
She seldom walks alone at night
讗谞讞谞讜 讗祝 驻注诐 诇讗 专讜讻讘讬诐 注诇 讗讜驻谞讬诐 讘注专讘
We never ride a bike in the evening.
讗谞讬 讗祝 驻注诐 诇讗 讗讜讻诇 讗专讜讞转 讘讜拽专 讘讘讜拽专
I never have breakfast in the morning.
讘讗讬讝讛 转讚讬专讜转 诪讬讬拽 诪砖讞拽 诪砖讞拽讬 诪讞砖讘 - 讻诪注讟 讗祝 驻注诐
How often does Mike play video games?He rarely plays video games.
讘讗讬讝讛 转讚讬专讜转 讛讻诇讘 砖诇讱 爪讜驻讛 讘讟诇讜讬讝讬讛
How often does your dog watch TV?
讞讘专 砖诇讱 诪讘砖诇 诇注讬转讬诐 专讞讜拽讜转
your friend rarely cooks
讗诪讗 砖诇讬 讻诪注讟 讗祝 驻注诐 诇讗 砖讜转讛 转讛
my mom seldom drinks tea
讘讗讬讝讛 转讚讬专讜转 讗转讛 诪爪讞爪讞 砖讬谞讬讬诐 - 驻注诪讬讬诐 讘讬讜诐
How often do you brush your teeth? twice a day
讘讗讬讝讛 转讚讬专讜转 讗转讛 诪谞拽讛 讗转 讛专爪驻讛 ?
How often do you mop the floor?
讛讜讗 诇注讬转讬诐 诪讘拽专 讗转 讘谉 讚讜讚讜
He occasionally vists his cousin
讘讗讬讝讛 转讚讬专讜转 讗转讛 诪住讚专 讗转 讛讞讚专 砖诇讱 - 驻注诐 讘砖讘讜注
How often do you tidy your room?once a week
讗谞讬 讻诪注讟 讗祝 驻注诐 诇讗 讗讜讻诇 讞讟讬祝 讘讘讜拽专
I rarely have a snack in the morning
讘讗讬讝讛 转讚讬专讜转 讗转讛 拽讜专讗 住驻专讬诐
how often do you read books?
讛讜讗 诇专讜讘 讛讜诇讱 诇讬砖讜谉 讗讞专讬 讞爪讜转
he usually goes to sleep after midnight
讛讛讜专讬诐 砖诇讬 诪讚讘专讬诐 爪专驻转讬转 诇注讬转讬诐 专讞讜拽讜转
my parents rarely speak franch
讗谞讬 讜讞讘专讬诐 砖诇讬 讘讚专讻 诪砖讞拽讬诐 讻讚讜专讙诇 讘住讜驻砖
me and my friends usually play football on the weekend
讗讞讜转讬 诇驻注诪讬诐 诪拽砖讬讘讛 诇诪讜讝讬拽讛 讘讘讜拽专
my sister sometimes listens to music in the morning
讗谞讬 讘讚专讻 砖讜讟祝 讻诇讬诐 讗讞专讬 讗专讜讞转 注专讘
I usually wash the dishes after dinner
转诪讬讚 讬砖 诇讬 砖讬注讜专 讗谞讙诇讬转 讘讬讜诐 专讘讬注讬
I always have an English lesson on Wednesday