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Interface 3 Unit 1 to 3 revision

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the past simple of SWIM?
What is the past simple of TRY?
What is the past simple of WRITE?
What is the past simple of FLY?
What is the past simple of TAKE?
What is the past simple of FIND?
They are playing tennis ______________ . [ every day ] [ now ]
They are playing tennis now.
We do sport ______________ . [ every day ] [ now ]
We do sport every day.
She writes e-mails ______________ . [ every day ] [ now ]
She writes e-mails every day.
My sister is writing an e-mail ______________ . [ every day ] [ now ]
My sister is writing an e-mail now.
We are playing computer games ______________ . [ every day ] [ now ]
We are playing computer games now.
They go to school ______________ . [ every day ] [ now ]
They go to school every day
They play usually / usually play basketball after school.
They usually play basketball after school.
We sometimes are / are sometimes late for school.
We are sometimes late for school.
They always drive / drive always to work.
They always drive to work.
She goes never / never goes shopping.
She never goes shopping.
My sister often is / is often tired.
My sister is often tired.
We often go / go often to the cinema.
We often go to the cinema.
[ chat ] [ do ] [ draw ] [ go ] [ out ] [ learn ] [ make ] [ play ] - to a disco
go to a disco
[ chat ] [ do ] [ draw ] [ go out ] [ learn ] [ make ] [ play ] - for a meal
go out for a meal
[ chat ] [ do ] [ draw ] [ go ] [ out ] [ learn ] [ make ] [ play ] - voluntary work
do voluntary work
[ chat ] [ do ] [ draw ] [ go ] [ out ] [ learn ] [ make ] [ play ] - computer games
play computer games
[ chat ] [ do ] [ draw ] [ go ] [ out ] [ learn ] [ make ] [ play ] - a language
learn a language
[ chat ] [ do ] [ draw ] [ go ] [ out ] [ learn ] [ make ] [ play ] - an instrument
play an instrument
[ chat ] [ do ] [ draw ] [ go ] [ out ] [ learn ] [ make ] [ play ] - to the gym
go to the gym
[ chat ] [ do ] [ draw ] [ go ] [ out ] [ learn ] [ make ] [ play ] - online
chat online
[ chat ] [ do ] [ draw ] [ go ] [ out ] [ learn ] [ make ] [ play ] - cartoons
draw cartoons
[ chat ] [ do ] [ draw ] [ go ] [ out ] [ learn ] [ make ] [ play ] - MODELS
make models
obstructed ( peek ) (stuff ) ( rubbish ) ( stuck ) (graphics )
computer pictures ( peek ) (stuff ) ( rubbish ) ( stuck ) (graphics )
things ( peek ) (stuff ) ( rubbish ) ( stuck ) (graphics )
bad quality ( peek ) (stuff ) ( rubbish ) ( stuck ) (graphics )
have a quick look ( peek ) (stuff ) ( rubbish ) ( stuck ) (graphics )