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What to do at School

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What would you do if your chromebook stopped woriking?
Ask the teacher for help to fix the problem or ask to go to the IT department
What would you do if you accidently broke something of the teacher's in class?
Tell the teacher the truth about what happened
What should you do if you have exciting news you want to share with your teacher?
Tell your teacher before class, after class or during free time
What should you do if you have exciting news you want to share with your friend but it's work time?
Wait until lunch, free time or passing period to tell your friend your exciting news
What should you do if you notice that you kind of need to use bathroom but the teacher is teaching?
Wait until the lesson is over, then ask to go to the bathroom
What should you do if you REALLY need to use the bathroom but the teacher is in the middle of teaching?
Raise your hand and ask to go to the bathroom
What do you do if you were day dreaming during instructions and now don't know what to do?
Ask a peer to show you, ask the teacher to repeat the directions
What should you do if a classmate keeps talking to you when the teacher is talking?
Ask your classmate to please be quiet
What should you do if your teacher stepped out of the room but you have a question?
See if a peer can help or wait until the teacher comes back to ask the question.
What should you do if you left your chromebook in another class?
Wait until the teacher is free and ask to go get it.
What should you do if you are asked to complete a task that you have never done before?
Ask a teacher or someone who has done it before to show you what to do.
What should you do if you are asked to complete a job but you don't have all the materials that you need? (e.g. decorate a door but you don't have any tape)
Ask someone else for the materials that you need.
What should you do if your teacher wrote a list of tasks to be completed on the board and you finish the first task?
Begin the 2nd task.
What should you do if you are working on a task and you complete one of the tasks incorrectly?
Try to fix the error yourself. If you cannot fix the problem, explain it to a teacher and ask for help.
What should you do if you are working on classwork and can't solve a problem? What should you say?
Tell a teacher what is confusing you and ask for help.
What should you do if your teacher gives directions and you don't understand?
Raise your hand and ask the teacher to clarify
What should you do if you complete a work task but notice that everyone else is still working and there are other tasks to be completed?
Ask your teacher what you can do next.
What should you do when you finish a test before the class is over?
Turn in the test and sit quietly until the teacher gives further instructions
What should you do if you are in the middle of a test and your pencil broke?
Raise your hand and ask if you can sharpen your pencil
What should you do if you come to class and realize that you did not do last nights homework?
Tell the teacher that you forgot and see if you can turn it in tomorrow.