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Explore Our World 5 Unit 1-5

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why is it important to understand the weather?
What is the weather like in your hometown?
What makes something boring?
What makes something interesting?
What hobby do you NOT want to try? Why?
What hobby do you want to try? Why?
Why is it important to have a good imagination?
When do you need to be creative? Why?
How can we protect our Oceans?
What happens if our Oceans are not protected?
use "biodegradable" in a sentence
Plastic is not biodegradable, an apple is biodegradable.
If it is cold outside, what should you do?
Go inside, put on a coat, find a heater.
If a storm comes, what should you do?
Go inside, get supplies, look for shelter
Uses evacuate in a sentence
The family evacuated because of the volcano.
Use emergency in a sentence
The student is having an emergency!
What does it mean to evacuate?
This word is the verb meaning " to leave a place due to an emergency"
This word is the verb meaning " to leave a place due to an emergency"
This is a place people go to keep safe from a storm
Storm Shelter
Describe a Storm Shelter
A place where people can go to keep safe from a storm.
Where can you find sandstorms?
In the desert
What is a Blizzard?
A Snow Storm with High winds and low visibility
What is "Hail"?
"Ice Rain"
Describe a Tornado
A spinning column of air with high wind speeds that can damage people and houses.
What is the difference between Thunder and Lightning.
You see lightning, You hear thunder. (Thunder is the sound of lightning)
Where do tornados happen?
All over the world
What does the phrase "Pouring Down" mean?
It's raining a lot
What does it mean when it is "raining cats and dogs?"
It is raining a lot
What's your favorite sport?
What is the opposite of a problem?
A solution
What word means the opposite of Alone?
What do you call a person who INVENTS things?
An Inventor.
Do you want to ride on a roller coaster? Why or Why not?
What is your hobby?
Name Two things that People can collect.
Pokemon Cards, Comic books, fossils, Shoes
Are Corals plants or animals?
Corals are animals.
Are Paper Bags Biodegradable?
Yes, Paper Bags are Biodegradable.
Are plastic bags Biodegradable?
Oil Spills, Garbage, Dirty Air are all examples of
Why do they call the bottom layer of the Ocean the "Midnight Zone"?
Because this layer gets hardly any light, so it is very dark, like "midnight".
What are the three layers of the Ocean called?
Sunlit Zone, Twilight Zone and Midnight Zone