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Future Perfect and Future Continuous

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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In 2020 we ____________________ (not/use) the same phones.
In 2020, we won't be using the same phones.
Life will be changing a lot by 2020.
Will we have eaten different types of food in 2020?
In 2020 people will have worked longer hours.
By 2020 doctors won’t be treating people any more.
Within the next twenty years we ___________________ (work) from home.
Within the next twenty years we’ll be working from home.
What _____________________ (wear) at the party tomorrow at six?
What will you be wearing at the party tomorrow at six?
Tomi thinks astronauts __________________ (land) on Mars by the year 2020.
Tomi thinks astronauts will have landed on Mars by the year 2020.
Réka, the books you ordered _________________ (not / arrive) by Friday.
Réka, the books you ordered will not have arrived by Friday.
______________________ (you / drink) from the samovar at the weekend?
Will you be drinking from the samovar at the weekend?
This time on Thursday, we _____________ (celebrate) because we ______________ (finish) school early.
This time on Thursday, we will be celebrating, because we will have finished school early.
In ten year's time, Andris ________________ (drive) for ten years.
In ten year's time, Andris will have driven for ten years.
Don't phone Andi in the next two hours. She _________________ (eat) dinner.
Don't phone Andi in the next two hours. She will be eating dinner.
I _________________ (go out) with John for two years in May.
I will have gone out with John for two years in May.