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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Why do we give gifts to the poor on Purim?
We give gifts to the poof because we are told to in the Megillah.
Who has the mitzvah to listen to the Megillah on Purim? Answer in a complete sentence.
Everyone has the Mitzvah to listen the Megillah on Purim.
What are you dressing up as this year for Purim?
no correct answer!
Why do we have a seudah on Purim? Answer in a complete sentence.
We have a Seudah on Purim to remember Esther's parties.
What happens when Achashverosh can't sleep? Answer in a complete sentence.
When Achashverosh can't sleep he reads from his book of records and he remembers that Mordechai saved his life. He wanted to reward him.
How many parties did Esther throw for Haman and Achashverosh? Answer in a complete sentence.
Esther had 2 parties for Haman and Achashverosh.
How did Achashverosh react when Esther came to see him without permission? Answer in a complete sentence.
Achashverosh was excited to see Esther, and asked her what he could do to help her.
Why was Esther scared to go in front of Achashverosh? Answer in a complete sentence.
Esther was scared to go in front of Achashverosh because he did not call her, and you do not go to the king without being called.
What did Esther tell the Jews to do when she heard about Haman's plan? Answer in a complete sentence.
Esther told the Jews to fast for 3 days and pray.
What was Haman's big plan? Answer in a complete sentence.
Haman's plan was to kill all of the Jews in one day.
When Mordechai was standing outside the palace, he heard two guards planning something. What were they planning? Answer in a complete sentence.
Mordechai overheard the guards planning to kill Achashverosh.
Who was the queen of Persia before Esther? Answer in a complete sentence.
Vashti was the queen of Persia before Esther.
Fill in the blank. ___ was upset with Mordechai for not bowing down to him.
Haman was upset with Mordechai for not bowing down to him.
What is one similarity between Esther and Yosef? Answer in a complete sentence.
One thing that Yosef and Esther have in common is... (beauty, hidden identity, rise of power, strength and courage)
Who was the king of Persia? Answer in a complete sentence.
Achashverosh was the king of Persia.
How many times is the mitzvah of hearing Megillah? Answer in a complete sentence.
Some families hear the Megillah twice.
What Megillah do we read on Purim? Answer in a complete sentence.
On Purim, we read Megillat Esther.
Name one tradition of Purim. (Not a Mitzvah!)
Eating Hamentashin, wearing costumes
What are the Four Mitzvot of Purim?
Megillah, Seudah/Mishteh, Mishloach Manot, Matanot Leevyonim.
What is this called?
Mishloach Manot
What do we do when Haman's name is read in the Megillah? Answer in a complete sentence.
When Haman's name is read, we make noise!