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B1-B2 review

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Give me 5 adjectives to describe a film.
spectacular / scary / moving / slow-paced / romantic / disappointing
List 5 things that you can discuss when talking about a film.
characters / storyline / acting / special effects / soundtrack / plot twists / ending
She always supports me. / She cares for me. = She's very ________ and ______.
supportive and caring
fortune - fortunate - fortunately - unfortunately (make sentences)
He made a fortune. He's a fortunate man. Fortunately, he arrived on time. Unfortunately, they couldn't meet again.
decide - döntéseket hoz
make decisions
Felnézek a bátyámra.
I look up to my brother.
Az anyukámra hasonlítok.
I take after my mom.
I can ______ ____ everyone in my family.
I can rely on
I hope that my dreams will ______ _______.
my dreams will come true
We're having our ______ ________ in May and June.
final exams
Mindkét kép szabadidős tevékenységet mutat. (both)
Both pictures show an outdoor activity.
The picture shows a ________ with two _________.
a sign with two arrows
She __________ her hair all the time when she's nervous.
twirls her hair
A person who is addicted to shopping is _______________.
I want to __________________ my bad habits. (rid)
to get rid of my bad habits
Erős akarat kell a rossz szokások legyőzéséhez.
You need strong willpower to fight bad habits.
Mások hatással vannak rád.
Others have an effect on you.
A körömrágás rossz szokás.
Biting fingernails is a bad habit.
szokásokat felszedni / abbahagyni
picking up habits / breaking habits
be akarnak olvadni, illeni akarnak a többiekhez
they want to fit in
lépést tartani a divattrendekkel
keep up with the fashion trends
Nem engedheti meg magának, hogy márkás ruhát vegyen.
She cannot afford to buy brand clothes.
George has two cats. These are his _______ dishes.
his cats' dishes
Maria sings really ________. (good / bad)
Maria sings really well / badly.
impressed / impressive / impression (her performance)
I was impressed by her performance. Her performance was so impressive. She's made a great impression on me,
addicted / addictive / addiction (3 sentences about social media)
Social media is addictive. Lots of people are addicted to social media. It's a serious addiction.
I'm afraid of snakes. = two-three synonyms
scared of / frightened of / terrified of
aware / new rules ?
Are you aware of the new rules?
I love musicals = fond / keen
I'm fond of / I'm keen on
She's not in her family. = (relate)
They are not related to each other.
I don't want to hear any more of your lies. = (fed)
I'm fed up with your lies.
She's so exhausted. not / used / running
She's not used to running long distances.
He paid a _________ for the flat. (lots of money)
He paid a fortune
The car was _________.
He didn't get injured in the accident but he had to pay a lot for the __________.
repair bills
She got her first car after she _______________.
He has a ______ _________.
He has a flat tire.
I hope you will _______ that advice = I hope you will accept what they say
I hope you will take that advice
My childhood comes to mind = It reminds __________________.
It reminds me of my childhood
She appeared half an hour late = She _______ up half an hour late.
she turned up
born in the US / ethnically Japanese (link - bár)
Even though she was born in the US, she's ethnically Japanese.
She / be / Japan / two weeks / now
She has been in Japan for two weeks now.