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Revision of vocabulary (Yummy English! 2)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What's this?
a bush
hasn't got or haven't got? They ... a tablet.
They haven't got a tablet.
hasn't got or haven't got? She .... a new camera.
She hasn't got a new camera.
has got or have got? We ..... ten cousins.
We have got ten cousins.
has got or have got? You ...... a nice kite.
You have got a nice kite.
has got or have got? It ..... wings.
It has got wings.
has got or have got? I ...... an idea.
I have got an idea.
Say the weekdays beginning with the letter 'S'.
Saturday and Sunday
Say the weekdays beginning with the letter 'T'.
Tuesday and Thursday
You can see some fishes in the _ _ _ _.
Some bees can make _ _ _ _ _ .
You can see black spots on its wings.
a ladybird
It can hop, walk and fly. It is brown and green.
a grasshopper
It is an amazing insect. It has got two small and two big wings. What's this?
a butterfly
It is yellow and bllack. It has got a sting. What's this?
A bee
What's this?
a ladybird
What's this?
an insect
What's this?