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WHITE IV - pre-Easter vocabulary review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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These are 3 (t)__________ (b)________.
tennis balls
I like to ride my (s)_____________.
There are 26 pieces of this (p)__________ of an elephant.
This is a bunch of (b)______________.
This game is a (p)___________ of a bear.
This is a (b)______________.
There are no leaves on the trees in Winter. The trees are (b)_________.
I have a younger brother and sister who were born on the same day! They are (t)_________.
This is my dad's father. He's my _______________.
grandfather / grandpa
My grandpa and grandma call me and my sister their _____________.
If my brother is younger than me I call him my (l)________ (b)_________.
little brother.
My mother's mother is my __________________.
grandmother / grandma / nana
I have a __________ and a __________ to sit at in the classroom.
chair and desk / table
What is the shape and it's colour?
It's a purple pentagon
What is the shape and it's colour?
It's an orange oval.
Which 7 different colours that you see here? Write down first and tell the class.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Purple.
Which six shapes can you see? I can see a.........
I can see a circle, a heart, a star, a triangle, a diamond and a rectangle.
What are these shapes called and what colours are they?
A blue square, yellow triangle and a red circle.
What is the shape called? How many sides does it have? How many are there?
It's called a Hexagon. It has six sides. There are seven hexagons.
What is this and what colours do you see? Say them in order.
A rainbow. Purple, Dark Blue, Light Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange and Red.
I use a _____________ to erase mistakes.
rubber / eraser(US)
I take my things to school in a ______________.
schoolbag / backpack
The pair of (s)______________ are ______________. (item / colour).
scissors / yellow.
I keep my pens and pencils in a (p)_________ _______.
pencil case.
The __________ is ______. (item / colour)
The book is red.
We use (p)_____________ to write with.
I keep my paper in my (f)____________.
I use a _________ to draw a straight line.
I use a (g)________________ to stick things together.
These two fruits are ready in Autumn.
apple and pear.
The (a)________ fall from the oak trees in Autumn. Which animal LOVES to eat them?
acorns. Pigs.
We roast c_e_t_u_s and eat them when the weather is cold in Autumn and Winter. Write down the word and come to the front.
Some animals h_b_r_a_e (go to sleep) for the whole of the Winter. write down the word and come to the front of the class.
This animal likes to find and store lots of nuts before Winter.
When it rains I wear a (r)_______________.
When it rains I use an _____________.
Write down the missing words in the sentence. When Autumn comes around, the (l)__________ (f)______ from the (t)_________.
When Autumn comes around, the leaves fall from the trees.
Which vegetable do you see a lot of at the same time as Halloween? Write it down and come to the front and read to the class.
What are the four seasons called?
Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter.
Name the four colours you see on the trees in Autumn?
Red, orange, yellow and brown.
In Autumn, what falls from the trees? Write it down and then come and read it to the teacher.