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MYP 4 - UNIT 3 - AS IF

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Damien looks as if he _______________ (have) something important to say.
Damien looks as if he had something important to say.
Rachel had watched the movie 10 times already, but she laughed as if she __________ it. (see - never)
Rachel had watched the movie 10 times already, but she laughed as if she had never seen it.
The kitchen smells as if you __________________ (burn) something. (PAST)
The kitchen smells as if you had burned something.
Every morning the dog has so much energy as if it ______________ (drink) coffee.
Every morning the dog has so much energy as if it drank coffee.
The beauty therapist dropped the wax as if it ___________________ (to be) on fire.
The beauty therapist dropped the wax as if it was/were on fire.
Sam sounded as though he _______________ (to be) confused.
Sam sounded as though he was/were confused.
The hotel room looked as if it _______________. (not be cleaned)
The hotel room looked as if it hadn't been cleaned.
The police officers are asking questions as if they_____________________ his story. (believe - not)
The police officers are asking questions as if they didn't believe his story.
The team is playing as though it_______________ (want - not) to win the game.
The team is playing as though it didn't want to win the game.
The baby cried as if it ________________ (not be fed).
The baby cried as if it hadn't been fed.
Renee ran as if she _____________________ (get) injured.
Renee ran as if she had gotten injured.
Tina talks as if she ______________________ (know - not) me.
Tina talks as if she didn't know me.
Glen sounds as if he _____________________ (to be) from the U.S.A.
Glen sounds as if he was/were from the U.S.A.
Manny complains as if he ___________________ (have) nothing positive going on in his life.
Manny complains as if he had nothing positive going on in his life.
This dish smells as if you ______________ (put)rosemary in it.
This dish smells as if you put rosemary in it.
You talk about college as if it ____________ (be) the worst place on earth!
You talk about college as if it were the worst place on earth!
Sally talks about her job as if she _________________ (like - not) it.
Sally talks about her job as if she didn't like it.
The dog barked as if it _____________ (see) a ghost.
The dog barked as if it had seen a ghost.
The noise sounded as if it _________ (come) from the garden.
The noise sounded as if it had come from the garden.