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World Religions

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What three nations did Buddhism spread to after leaving India?
China, Korea, and Japan
What are the two holy texts of Hinduism?
Vedas and Upanishads
If you follow the ___________ Noble Truths and the ____________ Path in Buddhism, your soul will be released from the cycle of reincarnation. Buddhist call this release ________.
Four; Eightfold; nirvana
In Hinduism you must do your ____________ in order to gain __________ which helps you move up in the ___________ system.
Dharma; Karma; Caste
What do Hinduism and Buddhism have in common?
Reincarnation (the soul being reborn after death)
What are the rules/guidelines that Muslims must follow according to their faith? Also, list three of the five.
Five Pillars; Faith (Creed), Prayer, Fasting (Ramadan), Charity (Alms), Pilgrimage (Hajj)
What are the rule/guidelines that both the Jews and Christians follow in their religions?
Ten Commandments
What two cities are holiest to Islam and which one do Muslims pray towards 5 times a day?
Mecca and Medina; Mecca
Who was the founder of Islam and what was their holy text?
Muhammad; the Koran (Quran)
What religion has ties to both Christianity and Judaism and is the youngest of the three Judeo-Christian faiths?
What was the world 1st monotheistic religion?
Who was a key person in Judaism who was believed to have led the Hebrews out of their enslavement in Egypt?
What is the holy text of Judaism and who was the founder?
The Torah; Abraham
What religion was Christianity rooted in? Also, give one thing the two religions have in common.
Judaism; Belief in one god (same god), believing in people such as Abraham and Moses, similar holy texts (the Bible having parts from the Torah in the Old T.)
Who was the Apostle that was most responsible for spreading Christianity throughout the Roman Empire, bringing it into conflict with Roman Mythology?
Which portion of the Bible was written by the Apostles and details the life and teachings of Jesus?
The New Testament
What is the holy text of Christianity and who was the founder?
Bible; Jesus of Nazareth