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Sound questions

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What sound does an old, wooden floor make?
We could hear the waves ____ on the rocks during the storm.
name 3 sounds that you can hear in your workplace
name 3 sounds that you can hear in your house
name 3 sounds that you can hear in a park
name 3 sound words related to  sickness
sniff, sniffle, sneeze, cough, blow (nose)...
what is your favourite sound?
What is the most annoying sound for you?
name 3 sound words related to humans
hum, shout, laugh, burp, slurp....
name 3 sound words related to animals
hiss, meow, purr, bark, howl...
Some people make this sound when they eat soup
Don't ....the door!
It's hard to sleep when someone next to you...
the sound a frog jumping into a pond
the sound of a clock
If I don't close my bedroom window, the ____ of the traffic on the motorway keeps me awake. Or the sound of a lion...
Name 3 reasons for whispering
name 3 reasons for yelling
the sound of air coming out of a tire
Several of the girls _________ at Paul’s silly joke
giggled/ laughed
As Anna’s father read her terrible school report, he ______ with disappointment. sighed / giggled
They _________ to each other because they didn’t want anyone else to hear.