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UNIT 2 Revision - Live Beat 3

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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My brother’s wife is my ______
Your _______ is the son of your father’s new wife.
You do this when you don’t agree with someone and you sometimes shout.
have an argument
already / his / Ian / Has / homework / done / ?
Has Ian already done his homework?
the / girl / ’s / She / whose / TV presenter / brother-in-law / a / is /
She’s the girl whose brother-in-law is a TV presenter.
the / were / heard /doing / you / news / What / when / you / ?
What were you doing when you heard the news?
Cody / tidied / yet / room / not / has / her /
Cody has not tidied her room yet.
That / where / got / the / married / place / parents / my / ’s /
That’s the place where my parents got married.
It’s the test. We did it yesterday
It’s the test (which) we did yesterday.
She’s the girl. Her mother is my teacher.
She’s the girl whose mother is my teacher.
That’s the shop. I bought my new jeans there.
That’s the shop where I bought my new jeans.
That’s the boy. He has borrowed my book.
That’s the boy who borrowed my book
That’s the girl. She lives next door to me.
That’s the girl who lives next door to me.
I / for the test (not revise yet)
I haven’t revised for the test yet.
he / the dishwasher? (empty already)
Has he already emptied the dishwasher?
We / Tanya’s parents (meet just)
We’ve just met Tanya’s parents.
I / the ironing (not do yet)
I haven’t done the ironing yet.
___ a snow leopard? (see ever)
Have you ever seen a snow leopard?