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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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"I'm multilingual. I am fluent in more than five languages" She...
She boasted about being multilingual / about being fluent in more than five languages.
"If I were you, I would study more" He ...
He advised me to study more.
"Let's go to the cinema next Saturday" She...
She suggested going to the cinema the following / next Saturday.
"You should really watch that movie!" He...
He recommended watching that movie / insisted on watching that movie.
"I'll give you a lift to the airport" She..
She offered to give me a lift to the airport.
"It was me who left the front door open" She...
She amitted (to) having left / leaving the door open.
"Remember to bring your books tomorrow" She...
She reminded me to bring my books the following / next day.
"I won't do what you told me!" She...
She refused to do what I / they told her.
"You'll be grounded unless you finish your homework soon" He...
He threatened to ground me / me with being grounded unless I finished my homework soon.
"It was you who ate my chocolates!" He...
He accused me of eating his chocolates.
"If only I had studied harder" She...
She regretted not having studied harder.
"Would you like to come to my house for tea" She ...
She invited me to go to her house for tea.
"Don't go so near the edge of the cliff" He ...
He warned me against going / not to go so near the edge of the cliff.
"I'll be there as soon as I can" She...
She promised to be there as soon as she could
"I didn't take your car yesterday" He ...
He denied taking / having taken my car the day before / the previous day.
"Sorry I couldn't go to your party" He...
He apologised for not coming to my party.