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WHII.6b-e SOL Review

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Who rose to power after the French Revolution?
What French monarch was executed during the French Revolution? Whose failures was he blamed for?
Louis XVI (16th); his grandfather, Louis XIV (14th)
What was it called when rulers and upper class men and women were executed en mass during the French Revolution? Also, what was used to do this?
The Reign of Terror; guillotine
What event signified the beginning of the French Revolution where revolutionaries raided a prison for weapons and to free political prisoners?
The Storming of the Bastille
What revolution heavily influenced the French Revolution?
The American Revolution
What type of ideas heavily influenced the writing of the American Constitution, Bill of Rights, and the Declaration of Independence? Also, who wrote the Declaration of Independence.
Enlightenment ideas; Thomas Jefferson
Voltaire believed that religious _____________ should triumph over religious fanaticism. He also believed in a separation of ___________ and ___________.
tolerance; church and state
Who wrote The Social Contract? What two groups is the contract between? Describe what each side should do.
Jean-Jacques Rousseau; The people and their government; People obey the government if the government protects their rights of life, liberty, and property
Montesquieu wrote what book that said the best form of government has a separation of powers?
The Spirit of Laws
Who wrote Two Treatises on Government? Also, describe the ideas expressed in the book.
John Locke; People consent to government for protection of their natural rights of life, liberty, and property
Who wrote Leviathan and describe the ideas expressed in the book?
Thomas Hobbes; Humans exist in a "state of nature" and government exist for their protection
What did the Enlightenment apply to the human world that people during the Scientific Revolution applied to the scientific world?
What did William and Mary sign in 1689 and what was this peaceful expansion of rights for Englishmen called?
The English Bill of Right and the Glorious Revolution
Who was brought back after Oliver Cromwell ruled in England, why, and what was this bringing the monarchy called?
Charles II, Cromwell was an unpopular ruler, and it's called the Restoration of the Monarchy
Who ruled in England at the beginning of their civil war, what ruler led the Parliamentarians against them, and what ultimately happened to the English monarch?
Charles I, Oliver Cromwell, and Charles I was executed
What did Louis XIV of France build as a symbol of royal power? Also, what did Peter the Great of Russia attempt to do to Russia?
Palace of Versailles; Westernization
What is an absolute monarch and how did they use "divine right" to help keep power in Europe?
A king/queen with all the power. Saying that God picked them to rule, so their rule is beyond question