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WHII.2 SOL Review

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What two goods were exported from Africa?
Gold and salt
What two regions were famous for creating textiles?
India and Middle East
List 3 of the 4 goods exported from China.
Paper, compasses, silk, and porcelain
What field of study was famous for "celebrating the individual"? Also, what did secular mean?
Humanism; worldly/non-religious
Who was Albrecht Durer, who patronized him, and what did he help to occur?
A Renaissance painter, Maximillian I (Holy Roman Emperor), and to spread the Renaissance from Italy to northern Europe
What trade route is shown on this image?
What trade route is shown on this image?
Silk Road
What trade route is shown on this image?
Northern Europe Links with the Black Sea
What trade route is shown on this image?
What world religion was mostly in Europe and would eventually spread to the Americas, Australia, and southern Africa?
What world religion primarily existed in East Asia (such as China, Korea, and Japan)?
What world religion primarily existed in India?
What world religion was centered mostly in the Middle East and northern Africa?
What nation is shown on this image?
What nation is shown on this image?
What nation is shown on this image?
What nation is shown on this image?
"Celebrating the individual and their achievements"- What term matches this definition.
Who was the humanist scholar who wrote The Praise of Folly?
What two past cultures were studied during the Renaissance and where in Europe did the Renaissance begin?
Greek + Roman; Northern Italy (Italian city-states)
What two works do we associate with Michelangelo?
The David and the Ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
What two works do we associate with Leonardo da Vinci?
The Last Supper and the Mona Lisa