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Halloween Riddles

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  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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From pumpkins and pranks, to masks and candies. I am a holiday that’ll make you excited for the darkness. What am I?
I am a monster created by a man. I have green skin. I have bolts in my neck. My friends call me Frank. Who am I?
I’m creepy. I love to crawl around I have eight legs. I trap bugs and eat them What am I?
This place has hardly any lights but a lot of creaking floors. There are all kinds of strange noises and some random slamming doors. What is it?
haunted house
Remove the seeds and carve a face. Your front doorstep Is where it’s placed.
When the moon is full, from man to beast I transform. My claws are sharp while my hair keeps me warm. What am I?
I walk around although I am dead I like to eat the brains in your head. What am I?
You’ll never see one of these if you stay in the daylight, but beware when nighttime comes. As your neck might feel a bite.
This body has no ears or tongue.So he’s not able to use phones.Tickling doesn’t work on him Because he’s only made of bones
I am known to be bad luck when you see me in the dark and oh how I hate the rain but one thing is for sure you won’t hear me bark. What am I?
black cat
This is rectangular, hollow and has a lid, and where you’ll find it you might wonder, it is just six feet under. What is it?
I am wrapped but I am not a gift, I am kept neatly in a chamber and Archeologists find me as a great treasure. What am I?
A broomstick I ride as I travel so fast a black hat I wear as my spells I do cast What am I?.
What jack has a head but no body?
Jack-o Lantern
How do you spell candy in 2 letters?
C and Y. (C-and-y)
Some people believe in me and others don't. At night, I roam around and sometimes I float. If you hear a troubled noise coming from the ground, go run and hide from my creepy sound. What am I?
I'm tall when I'm young. I'm short when I'm old and every Halloween, I stand up inside Jack-o-Lanterns. What am I?