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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I _____ (have) a headache if I _____ (listen) to more of that loud music!
I will have a headache if I listen to more of that loud music!
We _____ (go) to bed right away if we _____ (get) home late tonight.
We will go to bed right away if we get home late tonight.
If our teacher _____ (give) us another test on Monday, I _____ (not / be) happy.
If our teacher gives us another test on Monday, I will not be happy.
If the weather _____ (be) nice tomorrow, we _____ (go) to the beach.
If the weather is nice tomorrow, we will go to the beach.
Let's clean our apartment. If you _____ (sweep) the floor, I _____ (wash) the dishes.
Let's clean our apartment. If you sweep the floor, I will wash the dishes.
Don't worry! If you _____ (fall) out of the tree, I _____ (catch) you!
Don't worry! If you fall out of the tree, I will catch you!
I _____ (ask) my teacher some questions if I _____ (not / understand) the lesson.
I will ask my teacher some questions if I don't understand the lesson.
If my boss _____ (fire) me, I _____ (look) for a new job with another company.
If my boss fires me, I will look for a new job with another company.
If we _____ (be) hungry later, we _____ (order) some pizzas.
If we are hungry later, we will order some pizzas.
The children _____ (wear) warm clothes tomorrow if it _____ (be) cold.
The children will wear warm clothes tomorrow if it is cold.
If Thomas and Michael _____ (need) my help later, I _____ (help) them.
If Thomas and Michael need my help later, I will help them.
If our class _____ (finish) early, I _____ (go) home and study.
If our class finishes early, I will go home and study.
We _____ (watch) a movie tonight if we _____(feel) bored.
We will watch a movie tonight if we feel bored.
Sarah _____ (see) a doctor if she still _____ (feel) sick tomorrow.
Sarah will see a doctor if she still feels sick tomorrow.
If I _____ (need) more money, I _____ (find) a bank machine.
If I need more money, I will find a bank machine.
James _____ (borrow) some books if he _____ (go) to the library.
James will borrow some books if he goes to the library.
My brother _____ (wash) his car this afternoon if he _____ (have) enough time.
My brother will wash his car this afternoon if he has enough time.
If you _____ (cook) some eggs, I _____ (make) some coffee.
If you cook some eggs, I will make some coffee.