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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Adrian doesn't like football,
does he?
Mateusz rides a bike very often,
doesn't he?
Wiktor's mum's a teacher,
isn't she?
Kuba's favourite place to get rest is bed,
isn't it?
Kuba P. doesn't like snow,
does he?
Magda came back to our class on Tuesday,
didn't she?
Don't be afraid of learning English,
will you?
Julka goes to school number 30,
doesn't she?
Olisia went to Rome last year,
didn't she?
Iga's brother used to be Mrs. Karolina's student,
didn't he?
Let's answer this question,
shall we?
Kaja has practised gymnastics for many months,
hasn't she?
Weronika loves K-pop and Anime,
doesn't she?
I'm the best teacher ever,
aren't I?
Maja doesn't have any brothers or sisters,
does she?
Kuba A.is a fan of Messi,
isn't he?
Marek will change his school next year,
won't he?