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Browser Basics Master Badge

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What is the name of the long bar on the side of the browser that you can use to move up & down the website?
scroll bar
Which button helps you replay, update or reload information on your webpage?
Refresh button
Every browser window has 2 buttons that help you go from one webpage to another. What are these button called?
Backward & Forward Buttons / Back & Forth Buttons
What can you click on to help you navigate the internet easier & faster
Window icons or Browser buttons
What is it called when you type a web address into the address bar?
Entering URL
What should you do before you enter a new URL into the address bar?
Delete the URL
A white & long rectangle at the top of a browser window
Address Bar
Where do you type a website's URL?
Address Bar
What is a website's address called?
What is the square that surrounds the outside of the website called?
browser window
How many times do you have to click on a browser icon to open it up?
double-click - 2 times
What is a PICTURE that stands for a type of browser called?
browser icons
What does this browser icon represent?
Microsoft Edge
What browser does this icon represent?
What browser does this icon represent?
internet explorer
What browser does this icon represent?
google chrome
What browser does this icon represent?
Google Chrome, Safari & Firefox are examples of:
types of browsers
What lets you view the internet?
a browser