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Articulations and Dynamics [Level 2 & 3 terms/sy ...

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TRUE OR FALSE The music term 'marcato' is an articulation style. It means to play each note separated, detached and slightly accented. It is equivalent to a roof-top accent (written above a note).
A natural lasts for entire measure. What makes an accidental and/or natural sign last longer than one measure?
A tie. When the tie carries that particular natural or accidental across a bar line! It remains in effect for the rest of the next measure, too!
True or False: In order for a musician to perform softly, they need to use fast, warm air and push it through the instrument using their diaphram (stomach muscle) in order to maintain the effect and keep the note on pitch.
This symbol usually appears as a short line above or below the note. It's an articulation that means to play smooth and connected, usually pronouncing the notes with a 'dah' or 'du (doo)' syllable.
What is the correct way to perform a crescendo in order to truly reveal to a listener its meaning and effect?
Start soft !!!
Decrescendo is an example of rhythm, articulation or dynamics?
TRUE or FALSE: In order to produce a true articulation effect of an accented note, a musician must emphasize the accented notes with more air resulting in the note being slightly louder.
An articulation symbol that appears above or below a note (depending on the stem direction of the note head) which means to emphasize the note or notes more than the others.
Is syncopation is a rhythm or articulation?
What "articulation syllable" is commonly use to perform a staccato articulation effect?
dit - dit - dit - dit etc.
A musical symbol that appears as a dot above or below the note, depending on the direction the stem on the note head.
TRUE or FALSE: Staccato is an example of a rhythm.
FALSE. Staccato is a type of articulation.