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Animals Can and Can't

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Can goats climb?
Yes, they can.
Can turtles swim?
Yes, they can.
Can tortoises swim?
No, they can't.
Can chickens fly?
No, they can't.
Can lions sleep in trees?
Yes, they can.
Can ostriches fly?
No, they can't.
Can pigs play the guitar?
No, they can't.
Can seagulls steal or take your food?
Yes, they can.
Can bears cook pancakes?
No, they can't.
Can hippos swim?
No, they can't! But they can walk underwater.
Can crocodiles play tennis?
No, they can't.
Can dogs play American football?
Yes, they can??
Cheetah's can live in the ocean.
No, they can't
Dogs can fly.
No, they can't.
Some geckos can lose their tails.
Yes, they can.
Birds can make other animals angry
Yes, they can.
Koala's can eat any type of leaf.
No, they can't (they only eat eucalyptus leaves).
Can birds be friends with crocodiles?
Yes, they can.
Can turtles enjoy a bath?
Yes, they can.
Can cats stop you from cleaning the house?
Yes, they can.
Can dogs get scared of machines like a roomba?
Yes, they can.
Can you have a mouse a pet?
Yes, you can.
Can squirrels hide food like nuts?
Yes, they can.
Can elephants jump.
No, they cant.
Can some snakes spit venom at you?
Yes, they can.
Can cats climb things in a house?
Yes, they can.