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Vocabulary Builders 4

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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She delved deep into the recesses of her PSYCHE to understand her fears and desires.
PSYCHE (noun): The human soul, mind, or spirit, especially regarded as the center of thought, feeling, and behavior.
His actions were driven by MALICE, as he sought revenge against his enemies.
MALICE (noun): The intention or desire to do evil; ill will or spite.
The COURIER delivered the urgent package to its destination.
COURIER (noun): A person or company hired to deliver messages, packages, or mail.
The QUIETUDE of the forest was interrupted only by the occasional rustle of leaves.
QUIETUDE (noun): A state of calmness or tranquility; peacefulness.
The garden was designed with perfect SYMMETRY, each side mirroring the other.
SYMMETRY (noun): Balanced proportions or arrangement; a correspondence in size, shape, and relative position of parts on opposite sides.
They endured a TORRID summer, with temperatures soaring above 100 degrees Fahrenheit.
TORRID (adjective): Extremely hot and dry; showing passionate or intense emotions.
The teacher did not hesitate to CHASTISE the students for their disruptive behavior.
CHASTISE (verb): To criticize severely or reprimand harshly; to discipline or scold.
The painting captured the SUBLIME beauty of the mountain landscape.
SUBLIME (adjective): Of such excellence, grandeur, or beauty as to inspire great admiration or awe.
His DOUR expression rarely changed, even in moments of joy.
DOUR (adjective): Gloomy, stern, or sullen in appearance or manner.
There was a palpable ANIMOSITY between the rival sports teams.
ANIMOSITY (noun): Strong hostility or hatred; ill will or resentment.
The fear of failure should not DETER you from pursuing your dreams.
DETER (verb): To discourage or prevent someone from doing something by instilling fear or doubt.
She RUMINATED over the decision for days before finally making up her mind.
RUMINATED (verb): To think deeply or ponder over something.
Only the ELITE members of society were invited to the exclusive gala.
ELITE (noun): A select group or class of people considered superior in terms of ability or qualities.
The comedian's routine included a hilarious LAMPOON of current political figures.
LAMPOON (verb): To publicly criticize or ridicule through satire or mockery.
He DONNED his best suit for the job interview.
DONNED (verb): To put on or dress oneself in (clothing).
Despite his initial reluctance, he eventually had to CAPITULATE to their demands.
CAPITULATE (verb): To surrender or yield, especially under agreed conditions.
He spent his evenings playing cards with his CRONIES at the local pub.
CRONIES (noun): Close friends or companions, especially those with similar interests or backgrounds.
The elderly woman was known in the village as a SAGE, offering wise advice to all who sought it.
SAGE (noun): A wise and knowledgeable person, often known for giving good advice.
Finding a good study group turned out to be a BOON for his academic success.
BOON (noun): Something beneficial or helpful; a blessing or advantage.
The city's economy relies heavily on its MARITIME trade routes.
MARITIME (adjective): Relating to the sea or navigation; involving ships or the sea.
He often acted like a DOLT, making foolish mistakes without thinking.
DOLT (noun): A stupid or foolish person; someone lacking intelligence.
Understanding the CRUX of the issue is essential for finding a solution.
CRUX (noun): The central or most important point; the heart of the matter.
His LACKADAISICAL attitude towards his studies led to poor grades.
LACKADAISICAL (adjective): Showing a lack of interest or enthusiasm; lazy or indifferent.
He inherited a significant PATRIMONY from his wealthy grandfather.
PATRIMONY (noun): Property or assets inherited from one's father or ancestors.