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Social media conversation questions, mixed tense ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What ____________ (do) you usually post on your social media profiles?
What social media platform ____________ (you/use) the most these days?
are you using
How many followers ____________ (you/gain) since you started using social media?
have you gained
Can you tell me about the last time you ____________ (have) an argument online?
What ____________ (you/do) when you saw that viral video on social media?
were you doing
How long had your friends already ____________ (be) using Instagram by the time you joined Instagram?
What kind of content do you think you ____________ (post) on social media in the future?
will post
What do you think you ____________ (be/do) on social media this time next year?
will be doing
How many pictures ____________ (you/take) and share on social media by the end of this month?
will you have taken
How often ____________ (your posts/be) shared by others on social media?
are your posts shared
What kind of posts ____________ (currently/be) being shared the most on social media?
are currently being
How many times ____________ (your posts/be) liked in the last week?
have your posts been
Did you notice if your post ____________ (get) many comments last month?
What ____________ (you/do) when your video was being shared by everyone?
were you doing
Had your post already ____________ (be) viewed thousands of times before you realized it?
How many times do you think your post ____________ (be) shared by next week?
will be
What kind of content ____________ (you/see) on social media this time next year?
will you be seeing
By next month, how many times do you think your posts ____________ (have/be) shared?
will have been
What advice ____________ (you/give) to someone who wants to use social media responsibly?
would you give
What was your first impression when you ____________ (start) using social media