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Object pronouns - warm up

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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(Te entiendo)
I understand you
(Este libro le pertenece a él)
This book belongs to him
(Él fue al cine con nosotros)
He went to the movies with us
(Te veo en la cafetería)
I see you in the cafeteria
(Necesitas hablar con ellos)
You need to talk with them.
(Él siempre me ayuda con mi tarea)
He always helps me with my homework
(Ella me envió mucho regalos)
She sent me a lot of presents
(Dividiremos el dinero entre nosotros)
We will divide the money between us.
(Les explico la situación todos los días)
I explain the situation to you every day / I explain them the situation everyday
What is the matter with her today?
(¿Qué es lo que le pasa hoy?)
(Él nos enseña matemáticas)
He teaches us Math
(Ella los ve en el autobús)
She sees them on the bus.
(Él me conoce bien)
He knows me well
(Les dimos el dinero)
We gave them the money / We gave you the money.