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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Kuba has got a new mobile phone,
hasn't he?
The English lessons start at 5.05 pm,...
don't they?
You are interested in football playing,...
aren't you?
Frogs are green,...
aren't they?
You did your homework,...
didn't you?
Ola likes cats,...
doesn't she?
Julia can't go on holiday now,...
can she?
Mateusz N is going to be a teacher in the future,...
isn't he?
Paulina met Justin Bieber last Summer,...
didn't she?
Ula eats pasta everyday,...
doesn't she?
Jakub won 1 million dollars in a lottery last Monday,...
didn't he?
Leon doesn't spend his free time in front of TV,...
does he?
Weronika didn't ride a bike yesterday,...
did she?
Mateusz S has just built a snowman,...
hasn't he?
Ania was on holiday last week
wasn't she?
Britishschool is cool,
isn't it?
Teacher Mariola can't snorkel,....
can she?
Olek can sing very well,....
can't he?
Julka is going to eat vanilla ice cream
isn't she?
Kuba has just eaten pizza, .
hasn't he?