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Food Quantifiers

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
An ear of corn
A husk of corn
A corn silk
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A carton of eggs
A basket of eggs
A bucket of eggs
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A bowl of cereal
A box of cereal
A bunch of cereal
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A box of cereal
A plate of cereal
A bowl of cereal
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A slice of cake
A bar of cake
A tray of cake
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A bunch of bananas
A slice of bananas
A head of bananas
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A pat of butter
A heap of butter
A stick of butter
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A stick of butter
A tray of butter
A slab of butter
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A bag of popcorn
A bowl of popcorn
A plate of popcorn
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A box of popcorn
A tray of popcorn
A bowl of popcorn
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A tray of cookies
A plate of cookies
A bowl of cookies
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A head of cabbage
A bunch of cabbage
A sliver of cabbage
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A slice of watermelon
A bar of watermelon
A bite of watermelon
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A bowl of rice
A plate of rice
A bunch of rice
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A bunch of grapes
A head of grapes
A handful of grapes
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A glass of water
A cup of water
A jug of water
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A bag of chips
A cylinder of chips
A box of chips
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A bowl
A cup
A plate
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A bar
A wafer
A stick
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A can
A cup
A jar
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A cup
A jar
A bottle
A bowl
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A jugĀ of milk
A bottleĀ of milk
A vialĀ of milk
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A jar of pickles
A glass of pickles
A beaker of pickles
A vial of pickles
Choose the correct quantifier for the image.
A sliceĀ of pizza
A morselĀ of pizza
A wheelĀ of pizza