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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Who invented the first motor car?
Karl Benz
Who was the president during the Civil War?
Abraham Lincoln
What does abolition mean?
No Slave
What does secede mean?
What two major issues were fought about during the Civil War?
Power of the federal government and slavery
What was the period after the Civil War called?
What did happen after the Civil War to the Confederate States of America?
They joined to the United States of America
In what year did the Civil War end?
What is the correct definition of war?
War is a situation or a period of fighting between countries or groups of people.
What does enlightenment mean?
cultural movement
In what century did the Age of Enlightenment start?
18th century
In which country did the Age of Englightenment start?
Who was the writer of Encyclopédie?
What does nobility mean?
Elite rich people
In which country did the Age of Industrial Revolution start?
What was the Industrial Revolution?
The Industrial Revolution was a time in British history where the country changed hugely from a mostly rural society to an industrial one.
What does rural mean?
Countryside Life
There were six main factors that came together to create the Industrial Revolution. What were these 6 factors?
Population / Agriculture / Factories / Power / Transport / Empire
What does revolution mean?
huge change
What is the definition of industry?
An industry is a collection of companies all involved in the same type of production or business.
Why was there the Industrial Revolution?
Because people were working very hard and producing so many products
How was the life like during the Industrial Revolution?
People worked very long shifts in dirty, noisy and very dangerous conditions.
How were the living conditions in these industrialised towns?
They were very overcrowded and polluted.
How were children's life in the Industrial Revolution?
They were sent to work in factories during the Industrial Revolution
In what year did the French Revolution start?
How many years it lasted the French Revolution?
10 years
How was the life in France before the French Revolution?
People were very sad and they didn't have any money
Who was Napoleon?
He was the first president in France
In what year did the French Revolution end?
In what year did the Civil War begin?