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Present Perfect or Past Simple?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When my father was young, he ______ (live) in Greece for 2 years
On Sunday I ______ (Drink) 3 cups of coffee, then I ______ (have) another 2 in the afternoon
Drank, had
Ben used to be my friend, but we _______ (fall out) a few months ago
Fell out
Rudy __________(never/ride) a horse
Has never ridden
What _________(you/do) for your last birthday?
Did you do
I _________ (live) here since I was 24
Have lived
I ________ (start) working here in 2017
We __________ (not /be) feeling well recently
Haven’t been
I ________ (see) a double rainbow last month
Eloise ___________ (never/meet) a celebrity
has never met
They ________ (have) that car for over ten years
have had
Janet __________ (wear) glasses since she was a child
has worn
Kevin won't join us for dinner because he ____________ (have/already/eat)
has already eaten
It's 7.55 am - the shops ______________ (not/open) yet
haven't opened
Portugal ________ (not/fight) in World War II
didn't fight
King Henry VIII of England ______ (have) six wives
Nadia _________ (break) her wrist on holiday last summer
Yesterday Melvin ______ (fly) from London to Paris, then _______ (drive) to Sevres
flew, drove
___________ (you/ever/watch) a David Lynch film?
Have you ever watched
_____________ (you/be) to the Matisse exhibition?
have you been
What cartoons _____________ (you/like) when you were a child?
did you like
How many selfies ________________ (you/take) today?
have you taken
How long __________________ (you/know) Pete? For about 3 years now, I guess
have you known?