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Clauses stating reasons and conditions & Sleep E ...

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He promised to share the secret family recipe, only if ...
your answer
She packed an extra set of batteries for the flashlight, just in case ...
your answer
We'll have to postpone the outdoor event unless ....
your answer
She agreed to help with the project, as long as ...
your answer
Mike decided to accept the job offer, considering that ...
your answer
we plan to have the picnic in the park, even if ...
your answer
Unable to shake off the stress from the workday, he "tossed and turned" throughout the night.
having trouble sleeping
sleeping a short time
sleeping deeply
falling asleep
Feeling fatigued after a busy morning, she decided to take a "power nap" to recharge.
sleeping a short time
sleeping deeply
having trouble sleeping
falling asleep
After the exhausting hike, he fell into his sleeping bag and "slept like a log".
sleeping deeply
falling asleep
having trouble sleeping
sleeping a short time
While watching the monotonous presentation, she struggled to stay awake and eventually began to "nod off" in her chair.
falling asleep
having trouble sleeping
sleeping deeply
sleeping a short time
Worrying about the upcoming exam, Sarah feared she would "have a sleepless night".
having trouble sleeping
falling asleep
sleeping deeply
sleeping a short time
After a hearty Thanksgiving meal, everyone began to "feel drowsy".
falling asleep
having trouble sleeping
sleeping deeply
sleeping a short time
As the soothing lullaby played, she began to relax and gradually "drift off" into a peaceful slumber.
falling asleep
having trouble sleeping
sleeping deeply
sleeping a short time
Despite the late hour, he found himself "wide awake".
having trouble sleeping
sleeping deeply
falling asleep
sleeping a short time
Late at night, the entire household "was sound asleep".
sleeping deeply
falling asleep
sleeping a short time
having trouble sleeping
After a long day of hiking, she was so exhausted that she fell into bed and "was fast asleep" within minutes.
sleeping deeply
falling asleep
sleeping a short time
having trouble sleeping