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Connectives (time/cause&effect/additi/contr/expl ...

Use commas to add multiple tags

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Delimiter between question and answer:


  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Join two sentences using the connective: DESPITE
Join two sentences using the connective: EVEN THOUGH
Join two sentences using the connective: NONETHELESS
Join two sentences using the connective: HOWEVER
Join two sentences using the connective: ALTHOUGH
Join two sentences using the connective: NEVERTHELESS
Join two sentences using the connective: ADDITIONALLY
Join two sentences using the connective: BESIDES
Join two sentences using the connective: FURTHERMORE
Join two sentences using the connective: MOREOVER
Join two sentences using the connective: AS WELL AS
Join two sentences using the connective: ADDITIONALLY
Join two sentences using the connective: IN ADDITION
Join two sentences using the connective: FOR THIS REASON
Join two sentences using the connective: IN OTHER WORDS
Join two sentences using the connective: FOR INSTANCE
Join two sentences using the connective: FOR EXAMPLE
Join two sentences using the connective: SO
Join two sentences using the connective: NEXT
Join two sentences using the connective: LATER
Join two sentences using the connective: EVENTUALLY
Join two sentences using the connective: AFTER THAT
Join two sentences using the connective: IN THE MEAN TIME
Join two sentences using the connective: IMMEDIATELY
Join two sentences using the connective: AFTER A WHILE
Join two sentences using the connective: UNTIL THEN
Join two sentences using the connective: BEFORE LONG
Join two sentences using the connective: JUST THEN
Join two sentences using the connective: FINALLY
Join two sentences using the connective: IN THE END...
Join two sentences using the connective: MEANWHILE
Join two sentences using the connective: : DUE TO THE FACT
Join two sentences using the connective: SEEING THAT
Join two sentences using the connective:  THANKS TO
Join two sentences using the connective: THE REASON FOR
Join two sentences using the connective: CONSEQUENTLY
Make a sentence using the connective: SO THAT
Join two sentences using the connective: WHICH MEANS
Join two sentences using the connective:  SINCE
Join two sentences using the connective:  THEREFORE
Join two sentences using the connective: : RESULTING IN
Join two sentences using the connective:  AS A RESULT OF
Join two sentences using the connective: DUE TO