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Pocket Therapy - Getting to Know You - Volume 5

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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How much control do you have over your life?
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Are you a go-getter to evolve your behaviour towards yourself and others?
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How much do you take care of yourself?
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How well do you cope with people who are completely different from you?
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How do you deal with someone who's thick-skinned?
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How often do you judge yourself a culprit?
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Do you judge people trying to find a culprit?
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What's your level of self-respect?
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What situations make you self-indulgent?
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How hard is it for you to forgive someone?
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Do you tend to think you're more often right or wrong?
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How do you see yourself dealing with people?
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Has there ever been a nickname that you felt uncomfortable with when being called?
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Has your family ever given you any nickname?
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How often things do not live up to your expectations?
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Do you expect from others more than they can give?
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Which word would you use to define the kind of person you are?
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Do you have a role model to pursue?
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How do you often wake up in the morning, in a good or bad mood?
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Do you try to find reasons for your dreams and nightmares?
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What's the most important thing for you at the present time of your life?
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Is it easy or difficult for you to lose your temper?
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What do you believe about yourself?
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Do you have more beliefs or certainties?
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If you could ask your family and friends what your weak traits are, which ones do you reckon they would mention?
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