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Present perfect

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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He ............................ (never / fly) a kite before.
has never flown
They ....................... (begin) painting the living room.
have begun
My finger is bleeding, I ................ (just / cut) it with the knife.
have just cut
I ....................... (take) some really nice photos with my new camera this morning.
have taken
My little sister ............................ (never / swim) in the sea.
has never swum
I've lost my grammar book. ................ you ................. (see) it?
Have you seen it?
Someone ....................... (just / steal) my bicycle!
has just stolen
We're late - the game ......................... (begin)
has begun
The price of oil ..................... (fall) rapidly since January.
has fallen
Our dad is here, and he ............................ (bring) some sandwiches!
has brought
Jane is out of breath because she ................... (run) all the way from the bus terminal.
has run
I ......................... (never / feel) so good!
have never felt
Shelley can't go skiing. She ....................... (break) her leg.
has broken
In the last few years, it ................... (become) more and more difficult to get into college.
has become
She's getting married in a week, and she ................. (not choose) her dress yet.
hasn't chosen
Robert ................... (teach) English at a primary school for many years.
has taught
It's so hot that I ............................ (drink) five glasses of water already this afternoon.
have drunk
The students ........................... (write) a poem about love.
have written
I ........................ (never / be) to Australia.
have never been
They ....................... (do) two tests this term.
have done
The couple ................... (just / move) to a new apartment. It's beautiful.
has moved
He ........................ (live) here for three years.
has lived
My mum ......................... (lose) her car keys.
has lost
I ............................... (never / eat) fried grasshoppers.
have never eaten
............... you ............................. (ever / travel) abroad?
Have you ever travelled abroad?