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Phrasal Verbs - Prepare 6 - 6 to 8

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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to use something to discover if it works or if you like it
try out
to visit a place with someone, showing them the most interesting or important parts
take around
to stop somewhere for a short period of time when you are on a long journey
stop over
to go to bed later than usual
stay up
to spend the night somewhere instead of continuing your journey
stay over
to arrange to do an organised activity
sign up
to go to the place that someone is leaving from in order to say goodbye
see (sb) off
to visit a place and look at the things in it
look around
to go some where to have a holiday, often because you need a rest
get away
to travel or move from place to place
get around
to become less hot
cool down
to relax completely, or not allow thing to upset you
chill out
to leave a hotel after paying
check out
to say who you are when you arrive at a hotel
check in
to only eat a particular type of food
live on
to make food hot so that it can be eaten
heat up
to stop being good to eat because it is too old
go off
to become full, or to make something become full
fill up
to eat all the food that you have been given
eat (sth) up
to eat in a restaurant
eat out
to stop eating or drinking something
cut out
to do less of something or use something in smaller amounts
cut down on