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Places in Town

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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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A strip of land that borders an ocean, river or lake.
A structure built over something (as a river or a railroad) so people can cross.
A place full of boats in a town.
A building that holds a collection of objects that are found in nature or objects that people created
A fortified structure made in Europe and the Middle East during the Middle Ages.
A building for public Christian worship.
A place where you go to see water animals.
A higher education institution where students study for degrees.
A building where local government offices are located.
Town Hall
A shop where you can buy newspapers and magazines.
A place where you can borrow books.
A school for very young children before primary school. Synonym of nursery school.
A store that sells items like rings and necklaces.
Jewellery shop
A building where people go to get medical help. Bigger than a health centre.
A store where you buy food and household items. Not a supermarket
Grocery shop
A place where firefighters work.
Fire station
Place where people are locked in order to play a game. They must solve how to get out.
Escape room
A big shop that sells many different types of items, like 'El Corte Inglés'.
Department store
A large and important church in a city.
A place where you keep and manage your money
An establishment or area with coin-operated games
I want to buy a present. I go to the ...
Shopping centre / mall
I want to take the bus. I go to the ...
Bus stop
I want to buy a computer. I go to the ...
Computer store
My dog needs vaccines. I need to go to the ...
I want to ride my bike. I go to the ...
I want to buy dog food. I go to the ...
Pet store
I want to eat. I go to the ...
I want to see wild animals. I go to the ...
I want to exercise. I go to the ...
I want to put petrol in my car. I go to the ...
Petrol station
I want to watch a movie. I go to the ...
Movie theatre/cinema
I want to post a letter. I go to the ...
Post office
I want to have some coffee. I go to the ...
Coffee shop
I want to take the train. I go to the ...
Train station
I want to buy toys. I go to the ...
Toy store
I want to buy food. I go to the ...
I go there every week day to learn and study.
I want to buy a book. I go to the ...
Bookstore / Bookshop