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What are they doing?

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Mina pesen toidunõusid.
I am washing up.
Vanaisa töötab aias.
Grandad is working in the garden.
Lapsed teevad pannkooke.
The childraen are doing pancakes.
John seisab tooli peal.
John is standing on the chair.
Isa parandab dušši.
Dad is mending a shower.
Ema teeb hommikusööki.
Mum is making breakfast.
Meie mängime jalgpalli.
We are playing football.
Mary laulab.
Mary is singing.
Tom istub laua taga.
Tom is sitting at the desk.
Ema võtab mantlit seljast .
Mum is taking off her coat.
Vanaema mängib arvutimänge.
Granny is playing computer games.
Sue kass jookseb.
Sue´s cat is running.
Mu koer magab.
My dog is sleeping.
Mu vend vaatab multikaid.
My brother is watching cartoons.
Isa teeb süüa.
Dad is cooking.
Meie seisame ukse juures.
We are standing by the door.
Ta kirjutab harjutust.
He is writing an exercise.
Ta loeb harjutust.
He is reading an exercise.
Ma istun akna all.
I´m sitting by the window.
Nad õpivad inglise keelt.
They are studying English.