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Identify the Conditionals

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If it rains, I won't go out.
1st conditional
If I had listened to my mother, I wouldn't have gone to that party.
3rd conditional
If I hadn’t eaten so much, I wouldn't be sick now.
mixed conditional (2nd + 3rd)
If it is sunny tomorrow, I will go to the beach.
1st conditional
I would be angry with you if we weren't friends.
2nd conditional
If I had taken an aspirin, I wouldn't have a headache now.
mixed conditional (2nd + 3rd)
She would have called him if she had had his number.
3rd conditional
We wouldn't have met him if we hadn't gone to the party.
3rd conditional
If they had gone to bed early, they wouldn't have woken up late.
3rd conditional
She would be happier if she had more friends.
2nd conditional
If we don't see each other tomorrow, we will see each other next week.
1st conditional
If I had won the lottery, I would be rich.
mixed conditional (2nd + 3rd)
If I had studied French, I would live in Paris now.
mixed conditional (2nd + 3rd)
If I were you, I would get a new job.
2nd conditional
If I go out tonight, I will go to the cinema.
1st conditional
If I had gone to bed early, I would have caught the train.
3rd conditional
If I had a lot of money, I would travel around the world.
2nd conditional
If it rains tomorrow, we'll go to the cinema.
1st conditional