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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I celebrated with my family my birthday there last week
I celebrated MY BIRTHDAY with my family
The food is delicious although sometimes is overcooked
sometimes IT is overcooked
All the workers are very professionals and friendly
very PROFESSIONAL___ (singular)
The decoration of the restaurant it's very rustic
the decoration IS very...
My mum thinks it is the best restaurant but I am not agree.
This restaurant always is full of people
I go to this restaurant very often because is very good value
because IT is very good value
I always recomend this restaurant to my friends.
The decoration of the restaurant is beautifull
All the plates on the menu are super tasty
All the DISHES
The service in this site is very professional and helpful
in this PLACE
If you like the healthy food, you will love this restaurant
If you like __ healthy food (NO ARTICLE)
My favourite restaurant is near of my house - I always walk there
near my house (NO PREPOSITION)
I always tell to my friends about this restaurant
TELL ___ MY FRIENDS (no preposition)
You can choice the sauce you want with your dish
you can CHOOSE
The atmosphere is nice because all the furnitures are old
...all the furniture IS old.
My favourite restaurant is "La Tagliatella" because I love italian food
Italian food - with capital I
The best dish on the menu for my is the roast chicken
The best dish on the menu for ME is the roast chicken
You can't speak with other people because there is noisy
You can't speak with other people because... A) it is very noisy B) there is a lot of noise