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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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If my sister won the lottery, ___________________________.
she wouldn't share with me the prize.
I'd go for a walk ___________________________.
if it wasn't raining.
If you saw that horror movie, ___________________________.
you'd be really scared.
My parents would buy a bigger house ___________________________.
if they had more money.
a / lie / happy / If / me / he / told / wouldn't / happy / be
If he told me a lie, I wouldn't be happy.
say / could / talk / if / to / you / the / would / president / you / what
What would you say if you could talk to the president?
candies / it / I / eat / gave / me / wouldn't / if / someone
If someone gave me candies, I wouldn't eat it.
if / he / could / a / have / one / phone / enough / he'd / buy / money
He'd buy a phone if he could have enough money.
you / found / do / a / you / million / would / if / dollars / What
What would you do if you found a million dollars?
car / would / I / it / to / work / drive / a / had / if / I
If I had a car, I would drive it to work.
What _________ you _________ (do) if a dangerous dog _________ (attack) you?
would you do / attacked
If l _________ (live) in the country, I _________ (learn) to ride a horse.
lived / would learn
If Mike ______ (not have) a lot of homework, he ______ (go) out.
didn't have / would go
We _________ (not have) a dog if we _________(not have) a yard.
wouldn't have / didn't have
If my sister _________ (see) a mouse in the kitchen, she _________ (scream).
saw / would scream
If a bee _________ (fly) into my bedroom, I _________ (open) the window.
flew / would open