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Present Perfect x Simple Past

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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I _____ (not sing) pop songs last night.
I didn't sing pop songs last night.
It ____ (rain) a lot this week.
It has rained a lot this week.
My father _____ (teach) me how to ride a bike.
My father has taught me how to ride a bike.
My mother ______ (drink) tea last night.
My mother drank tea last night.
______ you ________ (read) the book?
Have you read the book?
_____ he ______ (take) the test yesterday?
Did he take the test yesterday?
Susan ____________ (eat) a lot of chocolate this month.
Susan has eaten a lot of chocolate this month.
I __________ (not start) the course.
I haven't started the course.
The manager _______ (not do) the report last night.
The manager didn't do the report last night.
The trees ______ (be) planted two weeks ago.
The trees were planted two weeks ago.
The children __________ (finish) the homework.
The children have finished the homework.
I am sorry, but Mr. Reynolds ____ just _____ (leave) the building.
I am sorry, but Mr. Reynolds has just left the building.
They _______ (work) a lot this week.
They have worked a lot this week.
I ________ (meet) my friend three days ago.
I met my friend three days ago.
We ________ (go) to Italy in 2010.
We went to Italy in 2010.
I ________ (buy) a new car last year.
I bought a new car last year.
I ________ (live) in the same house since 2015.
I have lived in the same house since 2015.
I _______ (study) English since 2006.
I have studied English since 2006.