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  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Whenever there’s ______ and ______, my dog rushes into the house in fear.
thunder & lightning
thunder & rain
thunder & snow
lightning & earthquake
It looks ______; you should bring an umbrella in case it rains.
It looks ______; you should bring an umbrella in case it rains.
On _____ days, I like to take the kids to the beach.
When the weather is _______, I prefer light clothing like t-shirts.
burning hot
How to response the following sentence "Good weather today, isn’t it?"
We couldn’t ask for nicer weather this week!
This is the worst weather we’ve had all spring!
It’s expected to be hotter than last year.
I can't believe this weather!
"What's the weather forecast?" Which answer is inappropriate?
It’s warm and windy outside.
They're calling for blue skies all week.
Heavy rain seems to be heading this way.
The weather will be cooling down soon.
"What's the temperature there?" which answer is inappropriate?
There’s nothing but blue skies outside.
It’s around 10 degrees Celsius.
It's ten below. (-10 degrees)
It’s really (hot/cold/warm/cool).
How to answer these questions? "How’s the weather? / What’s it like out there?"
It's miserable out.
It is rain
It's 22 degrees Celsius.
The weather is awful, it’s burning hot with draught, famine and epidemic.
Thời tiết xấu, trời nóng cháy da với hạn hán, nạn đói và dịch bệnh
Thời tiết tệ với động đất, sóng thần và núi lửa phun trào
The weather is bad with earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption
Thời tiết ôn hòa với bầu trời trong xanh và không có mây
The weather is pleasant with clear sky and no clouds.
hời tiết xấu, trời lạnh cóng với tuyết dày và sương mù
The weather is awful, it’s freezing with heavy snow and fog.
Thời tiết bình thường, trời mát mẻ với cơn mưa như trút nước và sương mù
The weather is normal, it is cool with pouring rain and fog.
Thời tiết tệ, trời nóng cháy da với gió nóng và không mây.
The weather is bad, it is as burning hot with hot wind and no clouds.
Thời tiết tệ, trời lạnh với bão tuyết và gió mạnh.
The weather is bad, it is cold with snowstorms and strong winds.
Thời tiết khá tốt, trời ấm với mưa ấm, gió nhẹ và không có mây.
The weather is quite good, it is warm with warm rain, light breeze and no clouds.
Thời tiết bình thường, trời lạnh với sương mù, tuyết, và gió lạnh
The weather is normal, it’s cold with fog, snow, and wind
Thời tiết tốt, trời mát mẻ với cơn mưa nhẹ và gió Đông
The weather is good, it is cool with light rain and the East wind.