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Noun clauses after be & family vocabulary

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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Choose the correct word: One difficulty ____ scheduling family gatherings is accommodating everyone's busy schedules.
Choose the correct word: The trick ___ maintaining harmony in a large family is patiently listening and understanding each other's viewpoints.
Choose the correct word: The hard part ___ raising teenagers is understanding their changing needs and perspectives.
Choose the correct word: The problem ____ arguing is that it can sometimes strain family relationships.
Finish the sentence: The upside of not working during the holidays is ...
your answer
Create a sentence using the words: The good thing about / not / live / far from your family
The good thing about not living far from your family is ...
Create a sentence using the words: The secret to / get along / your extended family
The secret to getting along with your extended family is ...
Combine the sentences: I have a two-income family. One difficulty with it is I don't spend a lot of time with my parents.
One difficulty with having a two-income family is  I don't spend a lot of time with my parents.
Combine the sentences: I live in a small apartment. The trick to it is you have to find a space of your own.
The trick to living in a small apartment is you have to find a space of your own.
Create a sentence using the words: The hard part about / have / little brothers
The hard part about having little brothers is ...
Create a sentence using the words: The downside of / have / a small house
The downside of having a small house is ...
Create a sentence using the words: The good thing of / live / grandparents
The good thing of living with my grandparents is ...
Combine the sentences: I have a lot of cousins. The nice thing is I have many people to play with.
The nice thing of having a lot of cousins is I have many people to play with.
Combine the sentences: My parents live in another city. The worst thing is I miss them a lot.
The worst thing of  living in another city is that I miss my parents a lot.
Combine the sentences: I have a strict dad. The bad part is I have to follow many rules.
The bad part about having an strict dad  is that I have to follow many rules.
Finish the sentence: The best thing about having a nuclear family is ....
your answer
Finish the sentence: A big disadvantage of being a two-income family is ...
your answer
Finish the sentence: One benefit of having an extended family is ...
your answer
Finish the sentence: The problem with having a younger brother is ...
your answer
Finish the sentence: The advantage of being an only child is ...
your answer