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What are the bus times from Sheffield to Buxton between 4:00 PM and 6:00 PM on Sundays?
There are no buses running during that time on Sundays according to the provided timetable.
If you miss the 11:45 AM bus at Totley, when is the next bus you can catch to Sheffield on a Monday?
The next bus is at 12:45 PM.
How many buses run from Eyam Royal Oak to Sheffield after 3:00 PM on a Wednesday?
There are three buses – at 15:44 PM, 17:44 PM, and 18:44 PM.
Which stop has the latest bus service to Buxton on a Saturday night?
Sheffield Interchange has the latest service at 18:15 PM.
On a Monday, if a bus leaves Grindleford Station at 7:30 AM, at what time does it reach Tideswell Dale?
The timetable does not provide arrival times at Tideswell Dale, only departure times from stops.
What is the difference in minutes between the first and second bus departures from Buxton Market Place on a Tuesday morning?
The difference is 30 minutes, from 07:40 AM to 08:10 AM.
If you need to travel from Sheffield to Buxton on a Friday afternoon, what are the two latest bus times you can take?
The two latest times are 15:15 PM and 17:15 PM.
How many times does the bus stop at Tideswell Fountain Square between 7:00 AM and 10:00 AM on a Thursday?
The bus stops three times at Tideswell Fountain Square – at 07:28 AM, 08:28 AM, and 09:28 AM.
Is there a bus that arrives at Edensor Milhouses Lane before 9:00 AM on Sundays?
No, there are no buses running on Sundays according to the provided timetable.
If you boarded the 10:15 AM bus at Calver Sough on Tuesday, at what time would you arrive at Sheffield Interchange?
The timetable does not provide arrival times at Sheffield Interchange, only departure times from stops.
Which stop has a bus arriving at 1:35 PM on Wednesdays?
Tideswell Dale has a bus arriving at that time.
If you are at Totley Fountain Square at 3:00 PM on a Saturday, how long will you have to wait for the next bus?
You would wait for 18 minutes as the next bus is at 3:18 PM.
Can you catch a bus from Great Hucklow Old Chapel to Sheffield at noon on a Monday? If so, what time?
Yes, you can catch the bus at 12:07 PM.
What time does the first bus leave from Edensor Milhouses Lane to Sheffield on a Thursday?
The first bus leaves at 07:30 AM.
How many buses go to Millers Dale Anglers Rest from Sheffield Interchange on Fridays?
There are five buses – at 07:15 AM, 09:15 AM, 11:15 AM, 13:15 PM, and 15:15 PM
On a Tuesday, if you need to get from Sheffield to Totley, which bus would you take at 9:00 AM?
You would take the 09:15 AM bus.
What is the last bus time from Buxton Market Place to Sheffield on a Sunday?
The last bus is at 18:15 PM.
If you are at Dore Road at 8:00 AM on a Wednesday, when is the next bus you can catch to Buxton?
The next bus you can catch is at 08:08 AM
What is the first bus time from Sheffield Interchange on a Monday?
The first bus is at 07:15 AM
How many buses run from Fox House to Buxton before 10:00 AM on Saturdays?
.There are three buses before 10:00 AM – at 07:49 AM, 08:49 AM, and 09:49 AM.