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1A - Mood Food, English-File Intermediate

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What do you cook / are you cooking? It smells delicious!
What are you cooking?
I didn't use to like oily fish, but now I love / I'm loving it!
I love it.
Can I call you back? I have / I'm having lunch right now.
I'm having
Do we need / Are we needing to go shopping today?
Do we need to go shopping today?
We've had an argument, so we don't speak / aren't speaking to each other at the moment.
aren't speaking
The bill seems / is seeming very high to me.
The head chef is ill, so he doesn't work / isn't working today.
isn't working
Kate doesn't want / isn't wanting to have dinner now. She isn't hungry.
doesn't want
Come on, let's order. The waiter comes / is coming.
is coming
I ___ usually ___ fish. (not cook)
I don't usually cook fish.
How often ___ you ___ seafood? (eat)
How often do you eat seafood?
The diet in my country ___ worse. (get)
is getting worse
You look sad. What ___ you ___ about? (think)
What are you thinking about?
What ___ your mother ___? It smells great! (make)
What is your mother making?
We ___ takeaway pizzas during the week. (not get)
don't get
___ your boyfriend ___ how to cook fish? (know)
Does your boyfriend know ...?
Don't eat that spinach if you ___ it. (not like)
don't like
___ you ___ any vitamins at the moment? (take)
Are you taking ...
These days, most children ___ too many fizzy drinks. (have)
are having