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Adverbs of frequency (part 1)

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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on Sundays. / play / They / tennis / always
They always play tennis on Sundays.
in November. / bad / is always / The weather
The weather is always bad in November.
on Sundays. / plays / Alex / golf / sometimes
Alex sometimes plays golf on Sundays.
fruits. / vegetables / always eats / and / Peggy
Peggy always eats vegetables and fruits.
ill. / is / often / Pug
Pug is often ill.
on Sundays. / at the sports centre / is usually / Boo
Boo is usually at the sports centre on Sundays.
KFC / visit / sometimes. / I
I visit KFC sometimes.
for lessons. / is never / late / Our teacher
Our teacher is never late for lessons.
always / They / happy. / are
They are always happy.
usually / in the morning. / reads the newspaper / Pug
Pug usually reads the newspaper in the morning.
the table. / never / cleans / She
She never cleans the table.
in the evening. / at home / often / They are
They are often at home in the evening.
fashion / magazines. / never reads / Peggy
Peggy never reads fashion magazines.
speaks English / Boo always / in English classes.
Boo always speaks English in English classes.
I / my homework / in my room. / always do
I always do my homework in my room.
Tom and DD / books. / always / read
Tom and DD always read books.
rides / never / Tom / a bike.
Tom never rides a bike.
hungry / is usually / Peggy / after school.
Peggy is usually hungry after school.
in Jenny's house / cold / It’s often / in November.
It's often cold in Jenny's house in November.
goes swimming / Sometimes / on Sundays. / Peggy
Sometimes Peggy goes swimming on Sundays.