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Past Perfect vs. Past Simple

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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When we .............. (arive) at my parent’s house, they ________ (leave)
arrived , had leaft
I ________ (just / buy) a dress when a thief _______ (steal) my bag.
had just bought, stole
My aunt ........(to fly) to Paris last year. She (never / go) on a plane before that.
flew, had never gone
It .............. (snow) in the night, so the bus ............... (not/ arrive).
had snowed, didn't arrive
I..........(eat) dinner so I .......... (not / to be) hungry.
had eaten, wasn't hungry
When we............... (arrive) , the train......... (leave).
arrived, had left
I .......... (never see ) such a beautiful beach before I ........ (go) to Spain.
had never seen , went
He .......... (study) English before you .........(move) to New York.
had studied, moved
The plane .......... (leave) by the time I ........ (get) to the airport.
had left, got
When she..... (get) home, the police...... (already/call) her three times.
got, had already called
Sophie...... (feel) nervous because she......(not appear) in court before.
felt, hadn't appeared
Julie.....(not recognize) the suspect because she.... (change) the haircut
didn't recognize, had grown
The police......(arrest) a man after they......(search)
arrested, had searched
When the police .....(arrive) at the house, the burglar.....(disappear).
arrived, had disappeared
Dave suddenly .......... (remember) that he............ (not lock) the door.
remembered, hadn't locked
When I..... home yesterday, my mum ......... dinner.
got, had made