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Super Minds 3 - U7-8-9 ~ Review

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  • No column headers.
  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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The weather ________ (not/be) rainy tomorrow
is not going to be
are not going to be
They _______ (cook) a pizza together tomorrow.
are going to cook
are cooking
Are you going to play football next days?
Yes, I am.
Yes, I do.
Yes, I did.
Yes, I go.
Did you go to the cinema?
Yes, I did.
Yes, I do.
Yes, I am.
Yes, I went.
When did you get home?
Next Friday
Next Month
We went to the shopping center, but we _______ (do) the shopping.
didn't do
don't do
aren't going to do
doesn't do
What country is it?
It's Brazil.
What country is it?
It's Turkey.
What country is it?
It's Australia.
What country is it?
It's India.
What country is it?
It's Argentina.
What country is it?
It's Spain.
What country is it?
It's China.
What country is it?
It's Mexico.
It's Italy.
It's Ireland.
It's France.
What country is it?
It's Chile.
It's Thailand.
It's Germany.
It's India.
What country is it?
It's Egypt.
When it rains and it's windy you wear....
a raincoat.
When it's difficult to see.....
The weather is foggy.
What's the weather like?
It's windy.
What's the weather like?
It's rainy.
What's this?
It's a lightning.
How's the weather?
It's cloudy.
What's this?
It's a thunderstorm.
If your temperature is over 37°, you should....
stay at home and rest
do your homework
go to the hospital
drink lots of coffee
When your body is hot, and you feel cold, you have a ________.
When your body is hot, your ___________ is high.
I ______ (be) at the supermarket last morning.
I was at the supermarket last morning.
When you don't feel good, you are _______
You are ill.
I ______ (travel) to Japan last summer.
I traveled/travelled to Japan last summer.
I ______ (visit) my grandma last Sunday.
I visited my grandma last Sunday.
Every morning, I ______ (wake) up at 7 o'clock.
Every morning, I wake up at 7 o'clock.
They usually _______ (eat) lunch at school.
They usually eat lunch at school
We _______ (play) tennis last week.
We played tennis last week.
She _______ (play) badminton every week.
She plays badminton every week.
What does she have?
She has a toothache.
What does he have?
He has a stomachache.
Who is she?
She is a nurse.
What does she have?
She has a headache.
What does he have?
He has an earache.
Who are they?
They are doctors.
What does he have?
He has a cough.
What does she have?
She has a cold.