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Earth, Moon and Sun System REVIEW

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  • Each line maps to a question.
  • If the delimiter is used in a question, the question should be surrounded by double quotes: "My, question","My, answer"
  • The first answer in the multiple choice question must be the correct answer.

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What kind of an eclipse is this?
Solar Eclipse
What kind of an eclipse is this?
Lunar Eclipse
ROTATION or REVOLUTION: Which motion describes Earth spinning on its axis?
ROTATION or REVOLUTION: Which motion describes Earth's movement around the sun?
What phases of the moon are associated with Neap Tides?
1st Quarter and 3rd Quarter
TRUE or FALSE: Neap Tides are known for being the most extreme...the highest high tides and the lowest low tides.
False...that's Spring Tides.
Which two phases of the moon are associated with Spring Tides?
New Moon and Full Moon
TRUE or FALSE: When the sun, the moon and earth are all lined up, we experience neap tides.
False...those are called Spring Tides
TRUE or FALSE: Because the earth revolves "into" and "out of" the tidal bulges approximately every six hours, we usually have two high tides and two low tides daily.
True or False: As the moon revolves around the earth, it brings the earth tidal bulge with it?
Which type of tides are more extreme and have more fluctuation between the highest high tide and the lowest low tide?
What is most important for causing Earth's tides?
the moon's gravitational pull
A lunar eclipse can only occur during which phase of the moon?
A solar eclipse can only occur during which phase of the moon?
New Moon
What is the correct order for a solar eclipse, beginning with the sun?
A Solar Eclipse can only occur during which phase of the moon?
New Moon
What causes the moon phases?
the sun shining on the moon, and our view of the moon as viewed from earth
What is the name of the cycle that involves the moon revolving around the earth?
Lunar Cycle
What phase of the moon looks like a half circle from earth?
1st or 3rd quarter
When the moon is a fully lit circle, what phase is it?
Full Moon
When it is summer in the northern hemisphere, what season is it in the southern hemisphere?
TRUE or FALSE: In the northern hemisphere, it is warmer (summer) when we are tilted towards the sun.
What is the tilt of the earth called?
TRUE or FALSE: The tilt of the Earth causes the seasons.
Rotation causes a planet to have ___
Day and Night
TRUE or FALSE: Revolution and Rotation are the same thing.